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Welcome to Spotlight Strategies

At Spotlight Strategies, we specialize in driving sustainable growth, enhancing profitability, and propelling your business to new heights through strategic guidance, practical insights, and personalized support. Led by Chelsey, a dynamic and experienced business coach and consultant, we bring a no-nonsense approach to help you achieve your goals.

Chelsey Gray

Business Coach

Business Growth & Consulting

Unlock your business's full potential with our expert consulting services. Chelsey and her team provide tailored strategies to drive sustainable growth, enhance profitability, and overcome operational challenges. Partner with us to achieve measurable success and elevate your business to new heights.

Business & Personal Development

Achieve personal and professional excellence with our comprehensive development programs. Our services focus on building leadership skills, fostering growth mindsets, and enhancing overall performance. Let our team guide you through a transformative journey to reach your full potential.

Marketing Strategies & Operations Optimization

Maximize your market presence and operational efficiency with our cutting-edge strategies. We specialize in creating impactful marketing plans and optimizing business processes to ensure you stay ahead of the competition. Experience the synergy of strategic marketing and streamlined operations.

Request a free consultation.

We partner with you to illuminate your path, helping you uncover new opportunities for growth in both your personal and professional spheres of influence. Contact us today!

Spotlight Strategies Services

Meet Chelsey Gray

Chelsey is a powerhouse in the business consulting world. She has already amassed a wealth of experience, working with dozens of clients and clocking hundreds of hours in coaching and consulting.

As a former Marine, Chelsey embodies a no fear, no quit attitude with a calm and collective demeanor that elicits trust and sincerity. Her expertise spans small and medium businesses, with extensive contacts within the government.

About Spotlight Strategies

Our Coaching Process

  • Thorough Assessment: We begin by understanding your business’s unique strengths, challenges, and aspirations.
  • Tailored Strategies: Crafted specifically for your business, we develop innovative approaches to unlock new opportunities and amplify your impact.
  • Expert Guidance: We work closely with you, providing expert guidance and support throughout the process.
  • Open Communication: We foster open communication and collaboration, ensuring your vision remains central to every decision.
  • Meticulous Execution: Through meticulous planning and strategic execution, we empower you to achieve your goals.
  • Tangible Results: We are committed to delivering tangible results, whether it’s enhancing your brand presence, optimizing operations, or forging strategic partnerships.


Trust A Proven Process

Our Timeline for Success

With a 12-month contract, our process is designed to deliver lasting success:

  • Months 1-3: Focus on fundamentals, brand awareness, and goal setting.
  • Months 4-6: Increase engagement, expand audience, and execute strategies.
  • Months 7-9: Optimize strategies and sustain growth.
  • Months 10-12: Achieve tangible success and break through ceilings.
Fan facts

Spotting The Difference

At Spotlight Strategies we offer goal setting, and accountability along with a suite of services to drive sustainable growth, enhance profitability, and propel your business to new heights through strategic guidance, practical insights, and personalized support.

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Years of team experience
Case Studies

Proven Results with Real Impact

Spotlight Strategies has a track record of transforming businesses with strategic insight and actionable solutions. Our case studies highlight the measurable success achieved across various industries. See how we’ve helped clients overcome challenges and achieve remarkable growth.

Get Started with Chelsey Gray Consulting

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Book A Consultation

Want to learn how Spotlight Strategies can Accelerate your business and personal growth? Book a free 30 min consultation today!

Send an Email

info AT spotlightstrategiesco.com

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)