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Achieving Market Readiness and Securing Shelf Space for DOTA

Chelsey’s strategic planning and accountability measures enabled DOTA to finalize their product launch, secure shelf space, and achieve substantial purchase orders.


Case Study Summary

  • Established clear, actionable goals for product launch.
  • Implemented accountability measures to ensure timely execution.
  • Overcame limiting beliefs and organizational challenges.
  • Secured strategic partnerships for increased shelf space.
  • Achieved a successful product launch and significant purchase orders.
  • Business Growth & Strategic Partnerships
  • DOTA
  • dotacompany.co

Company Overview

DOTA specializes in creating high-quality magnesium body butter designed to deliver essential minerals through skin absorption. Their products are crafted with premium ingredients, offering soothing benefits for muscles, nerves, and overall wellness. DOTA’s mission is to provide effective and natural health solutions while maintaining an elegant and simple product experience. Their offerings are popular for their ability to help with various health issues, including muscle soreness, headaches, and sleep disturbances.

Case Study

When DOTA partnered with Gray Consulting, they were struggling with finalizing their product launch and securing shelf space. Chelsey Gray’s expertise in goal setting and accountability played a crucial role in overcoming these challenges. Through her guidance, DOTA was able to streamline their processes, overcome limiting beliefs, and achieve market readiness.

Chelsey worked closely with the DOTA team to set clear, actionable goals and hold them accountable throughout the process. This structured approach enabled DOTA to finalize their product launch efficiently. Additionally, Chelsey helped DOTA secure strategic partnerships, leading to increased shelf space and purchase orders. Her strategic insight and organizational skills were instrumental in DOTA’s successful market entry.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)