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Next Peak

Case Study - Next Peak

Empowering Next Peak with Strategic Vision and Digital Growth

Chelsey’s strategic expertise and comprehensive approach transformed Next Peak’s digital presence, establishing a solid foundation for sustained growth and enhanced veteran support services.


Case Study Summary

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive digital strategy.
  • Established a strong brand presence across multiple platforms.
  • Enhanced social media engagement and follower growth.
  • Provided clear strategic direction for long-term success.
  • Facilitated continuous improvement in digital and social media metrics.
  • Strategy
  • Next Peak
  • https://nextpeak.org/

Company Overview

Next Peak is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to providing specialized mental health services to veterans and their families. Founded by a group of Navy SEAL Special Operators who struggled with transitioning out of the military, Next Peak focuses on addressing the complex physical and mental health challenges faced by combat veterans. They offer high-quality, specialized psychotherapy, peer support, and crisis response services to help veterans reclaim their lives and achieve wholeness.

Case Study

When Next Peak partnered with Gray Consulting, they faced significant challenges: no clear strategy, no vision, and a lack of a digital footprint. Chelsey Gray’s expertise was instrumental in transforming these areas. Under her guidance, Gray Consulting helped build a firm foundation across all platforms, providing Next Peak with clear direction and a growing presence on social media.

Chelsey’s approach included developing a comprehensive digital strategy, enhancing brand visibility, and implementing targeted social media campaigns. This not only established a solid online presence but also facilitated continuous growth in follower engagement and interaction. As a result, Next Peak now enjoys a strong digital presence, clear strategic direction, and growing social media platforms.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)