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One Earth Recycling

One Earth Recycling

Strategic Expansion and Partnership Success for One Earth Recycling

Chelsey’s strategic guidance and ability to secure key partnerships enabled One Earth Recycling to rapidly expand their footprint and enhance their industry leadership.


Case Study Summary

  • Achieved a 200% increase in locations within eight weeks.
  • Secured strategic partnerships and endorsements for new locations.
  • Streamlined the expansion strategy through goal setting and accountability.
  • Enhanced operational efficiency to support rapid growth.
  • Positioned One Earth Recycling as a leader in the industry.
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • One Earth Recycling
  • www.oneearthrecycling.com

Company Overview

One Earth Recycling is a pioneering company in the recycling industry, specializing in responsible and accountable e-recycling solutions. With over 40 years of experience, they focus on marketing for reuse and ensuring that non-reusable materials are recycled responsibly. They offer a variety of services, including recycling of bottles, cans, electronics, and scrap metals. One Earth Recycling is committed to sustainability and community engagement, providing services like the One Earth Debit Mastercard and school fundraising programs to incentivize recycling and support local initiatives.

Case Study

When One Earth Recycling sought to expand into new territories, they faced significant challenges. Chelsey and her team at Gray Consulting stepped in to provide the strategic guidance needed to achieve their goals. Within just eight weeks, Chelsey Gray Consulting was able to help One Earth Recycling increase their locations by 200%.

Chelsey’s approach involved a detailed assessment of One Earth Recycling’s current operations and potential expansion areas. By setting clear goals and holding the team accountable, she helped streamline their expansion strategy. Additionally, Chelsey leveraged her network to secure strategic partnerships and endorsements, which were crucial in establishing new locations. This comprehensive approach not only facilitated rapid growth but also positioned One Earth Recycling as a leader in the recycling industry.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)